+52 1 993 3948655 daniel.yari@qgeosolutions.com


Quantitative Geosolutions offers advanced strictly quantitative solutions for the most complex geological scenarios. We focused on the reservoir seismic characterization through synergy processes smart linked from lineal relations among diverse variables that define the singularities of the reservoir.

Quantitative Geosolutions is integrated by professionals with recognized experience in the oil industry. This is the result of an outstanding international academic trajectory and expertise in facing challenges of diverse complexity in multiple scenarios and countries with oil tradition. From this base of human talents, our company offers the best of technology to the most demanding clients, to give relevant and unconventional answers to the questions that arise from the complexity of their deposits.

Quantitative Geosolutions aims to offer plausible and effective solutions to complex problems of geosciences, based on novel techniques of analysis and prediction with deterministic, probabilistic, and artificial intelligence approaches, which enable us to reveal details in the micro structural characteristics that define the storage capacity and fluid content in the rocks, in several study scales. Our results allow us to generate a measurable impact in the optimization of the exploration and production plans of the reservoir.


Became the leading company in studies of quantitative seismic characterization of hydrocarbon reservoir, recognized for the quality of our results, the application of innovative knowledge and our commitment to create value for our customers.

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