+52 1 993 3948655 daniel.yari@qgeosolutions.com







Quantitative Geosolutions offers advanced strictly quantitative solutions for the most complex geological scenarios.

Quantitative GeoSolutions is integrated by professionals with recognized experience in the oil and gas industry. This is the result of an outstanding international academic trajectory and expertise in facing challenges of diverse complexity in multiple scenarios and countries with oil tradition.


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Rock physics applied to the oil industry

In this course, the foundations of rock physics are introduced. We also show the direct applications in reservoir properties prediction. We also discuss the potential of rock physics workflows in the context of reservoir storage and flow capability in porous rocks.

Seismic anisotropy applied to the oil industry

In this course the foundations of elastic anisotropy are introduced, based on classic observations of earth’s crust rocks. In addition, we show diverse elastic scenarios to which a certain symmetry arrangement can be integrated for modeling and seismic inversion purposes. This approach can be used to detect anisotropic anomalies that can be linked to potential reservoirs properties.


Multicomponent seismic (theoretical and practical aspects)

This course introduces the basic concepts of wave conversion phenomena a how they can be affected by geological interfaces. Special emphasis is given to the types of PS conversion (fast and slow), how to recognize it and physics involved in the process. The course also focus on the processing workflow of PS converted waves, the limitations of processing algorithms currently available in the industry. Direct applications in reservoir characterization are discussed.

Fundamentals of seismic inversion

In this course, the seismic inversion foundations are introduced. A didactic review of the most relevant methods is made. We talk about the boundary conditions, the advantages and limitations. The “trues and lies” are discussed. The potential of seismic inversion is shown in an objective manner, based on our intrinsic knowledge of the “hidden” algorithms.

Quantitative Geosolutions

Our vision is to be the leading company in studies of quantitative seismic characterization of hydrocarbon reservoir, recognized for the quality of our results, the application of innovative knowledge and our commitment to create value for our customers.


We offer plausible and effective solutions to complex problems of geosciences, based on novel techniques of analysis and prediction with deterministic, probabilistic, and artificial intelligence approaches, which enable us to reveal details in the micro structural characteristics that define the storage capacity and fluid content in the rocks, in several study scales. Our results allow us to generate a measurable impact in the optimization of the exploration and production plans of the reservoir.


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